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Twenty Years since the Soviet Union Disintegrated:Exploring the Cause of a Drastic Change in the Soviet Union
2017-05-23 16:46  

ZUO Fengrong


Abstract: The cause of the Soviet Union’s disintegration is an important subject in the academic circles. It is especially very important for China to sum up the lessons of the drastic change in the Soviet Union.The socialist system established by the Soviet Union does not accord with the spiritual essence of Marxism. In the socialist society envisaged by Marx and Engels, the people enjoy more wealth and more democratic rights than in the capitalist society which can restrict the national authority and prevent it from becoming a tool of oppressing the people. But the social system of the Soviet Union ran in the opposite direction. Therefore, the fundamental cause of the drastic change in the Soviet Union was that its social system deviated from the people’s requirements. If the Communist Party of the Soviet Union had adopted a proper policy, it would have carried out reforms in the social system so as to make it conform to the people’s demand and the socialist essence. However, the leader of the CPSU Gorbachev,et al. commited a series of errors—they only accelerated the Soviet Union’s collapse, instead of transforming socialism well.
Key words: Soviet Union; drastic change; Gorbachev; error


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