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The China East Railway in 1917 ~ 1922 “under the Management” of Entente Powers
2017-05-22 14:44  

MA Weiyun


Abstract: The victory of October Revolution scared the imperialism and anti-revolutionaries of many countries. At the same time, the downfall of Russian Imperialism, the unsettled ownership of China East Railroad as well as the complicated political situation connected with the land that surrounded the railroad sharpened the confl icts among the imperialist countries, especially US and Japan, making the fi ght for shedding more infl uence and controlling of the China East Railroad. The paper discusses the following 3 issues, the fi rst one being the analyzing the armed inference of the anti-Soviet imperialists and the cause of the establishment of Siberia and China East Railroad Management Committee by Entente Powers. The second one is the discussion of the struggle and signing of “New Banking Consortium Agreement” between the United States of America and Japan. The third one evaluates the opening of Washington Conference and the end of control of Entente Powers.

Keywords: Entente Powers; board of supervising; China East Railroad; New Banking Consortium Agreement;Washington Conference





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