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The Population Situation and the Human Power Supply-Need Issues in the Russian Far East Area
2017-05-22 15:11  

LI Chuanxun


Abstract: After the disorganization of the Soviet Union, the birth rate and number of immigrants in the Russian Far East Area see a great decrease, resulting in the reduction of local population. There are a great economic development issues due to the need of population. At the same time, the out-fl owing of the technicians and skilled labor make things even worse. Many policies are made and measures are taken by Russian government so as to attract Russian-speaking people from other parts of Russia as well as from neighboring countries. But since the Far East lies in the remote area with harsh weather, undesirable environment, low payment and high price, these measures and policies are not seen as effective. Now, it has become a common sense among the Russian government and common people that attracting foreign people, including Chinese, to make up for the need of human power is urgent. However, the big increase in infl ow of Chinese labor force is not as promising due to the limited possibility of Chinese labor as complement to the Russian ones, as well as the negative infl uence of “Chinese population expansion”.

Keywords: Russian Far East Area; population situation; labor force issue


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