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Russia Seeking Modernization Alliance and Its Infl uence upon Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Relations
2017-05-24 15:46  

WU Dahui


Abstract: President Medvedev has considered the realization of Russia’s all-round modernization as the core of his administrative programs and treated a strong modernization coalition between Russia and the West as the main route to Russia’s all-round modernization. Because it is diffi cult for Medvedev to promote his modernization idea to the national development strategy and because there are some unavoidable deep-level contradictions between Russia and Europe and some structured stone walls berween Russia and the United States, to set up a modernization coalition between Russia and the West is diffi cult and to develop it even hard. Medvedev’s modernization strategy does not repel the Sino-Russian strategic cooperation. The guiding direction of Russia’s foreign policy does not change radically.
Key words: Russia; modernization coalition; Sino-Russian strategic cooperation

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