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Controversy over the Country Position and Development Prospect of Russia
2017-06-30 11:21  

Sheng Shiliang


Abstract:The controversy over the country position among the academic leaders of Russia tends to become more and more active recently. Glazyev advocates the “tri-polar world”, in which China and American respectively occupy one pole, and Russia leads India, Brazil, Vietnam, Iran and Turkey, etc. to form the third pole; Lukyanov suggests Russia and China enter into “Eastern Partnership”; Karaganov proposes that Russia and China can form the “Great Eurasia”; Trenin thinks that Russia and China should make into “Allies”, to form the “Great Asia” from Shanghai to St. Petersburg and replace the world hegemony of America with great power consultation; Fenenko considers that the Yalta-Potsdam system established in 1943 has not changed greatly up to now, and the country able to confront American is still only Russia; Malashenko thinks that Russia only has one political prospect – country of authoritarianism with totalitarian factor, and its gap with the developed countries is expanding continuously.

Key words: Russia; country position; China-Russia relationship; tri-polar world; Great Eurasia; Great Asia

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