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Russian Population Situation after the Crisis
2017-06-30 11:35  

Cheng Yijun


Abstract:The negative influence caused to Russian society by the population crisis formed in 1990s has not been fully eliminated until now. This crisis fully exposes the serious insufficiency in the re-production ability of Russian population, and greatly weakens the self development potential of Russian population in the future. The long term low birth rate deeply changes the age constitution of Russian population. The proportion of children in the total population is increasingly lowered, which indicates that the reserve of social labor is increasingly shrunk and the aging degree of the whole society is rapidly increased. Currently, the major characteristics of Russias population situation are manifested in the following aspects: the supplement of external immigrants supports the weak growth of population; the slowly increased birth rate can hardly change the overall tendency of population decrease; the gap in labor force in the future ten years will be gradually expanded; the Russian population is generally stepping from postadolescence to middle age; the demographic dividend is disappearing. The latest official prediction of Russia shows that, there is still great possibility that the total population of Russia will continue to drop before 2030.

Keywords:population crisis; labor reserve; aging; demographic dividend; external immigrants; population prediction

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