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The Three Geopolitical Concepts and the ex-Yugoslav region
2017-07-03 08:53  

[Croatia] Bai Yiwei


Abstract:The Ex-Yugoslaviais proposed term for geopolitical region that includes the countries established after the dissolution of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. This term not only emphasizes the starting point of the transitional path taken by each country, but also helps to understand crucial similarities in the direction and content of the multi-levelled transition that, along general trends in political, social and institutional transitions in the each country, transformed the ex-Yugoslav region as a whole. Therefore, can be said, the whole region is experiencing geopolitical transformation whose starting point is "Yugoslavia", ending point is "European Union", while transitional period in between encompasses gradual geopolitical shift and can be termed as the "ex-Yugoslav period".

Keywords: Ex-Yugoslavia; social transformation; federalism; nationalism; state-building process

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